Business Center Business plan in Nigeria – The focus of this post apart from how to start a business center in Nigeria is how you can write your business center business plan in Nigeria, as well as having all the financial projection as the case maybe.
Most times people confuse a business center with a cyber cafe, actually both businesses involves the use of the computer system, however, while one is concentrating with using the computer to access the world wide web (www) the other uses computer to do specific office jobs such as typing of documents, printing, photocopying as well as other commercial activities seem at most business centers.
In Nigeria today, business centers are places where you can have your secretarial works done with ease, work such as laminating, typesetting, scanning of documents, etc, usually done for an amount charged.
Business center has moved from what it used to be before, back then most business centers failed because of their rigid method of operation, today a whole lot can be done at any business center, apart from typing your work, laminating and scanning, other services have been added to it, services such as colored printing, passport photography, letterheads designs and a whole lot of other services, architectural functions are included also.
The business center idea has made it to become a lot more viable. In fact, with a printer of N25,000 and a laptop, you can kick start a mini business center of your own.
Other things you will need include the following;
- A reserve Ink in case your finishes
- Toners
- Papers etc
What You Need To Get Started With Your Business Center Business
As simple as this business is, there are a few things you need to put in place before starting, Below are the list of things you should have in place;
A business plan – Our business center business plan in Nigeria PDF is a comprehensive document that contains all the required information you need to in the running and operating of your business center. Your business plan should include an executive summary of your business which should include your products and services, business description, market analysis, financial plans and projection, competitors analysis, market analysis, competitor analysis, sales and marketing plan, operational plans well as your business team management, also you should put into consideration your mode of operation, charge for services rendered, as well as other important information. Your business center business plan in Nigeria should be comprehensively written.
Rent An office space – This is your venue of business, when considering how to start a business center in Nigeria, your business location should at the forefront of your plans, some of the best site for a business center is the University environment, you see students will always need these services, like printing assignments, typing their work etc, another location suitable is around your state secretariats, there you will have different ministries as well as office complex, you can become an alternative in such situations. the essence of carefully choosing a location is to at least guarantee a certain level of turnover.
Buy Your Equipment – This should be the basic things you should be buying for your start up, the following should be on your list of things (equipment) to buy;
- Desktop computer or Laptops – Business center businesses are computer base, hence the first item on your list of equipment should be a computer set which will handle every work that involves typing, most business centers makes use of desktops due to cost, however, a laptop will save you the stress of always having to buy a CPU which is usually attached to a desktop, a laptop can actually save power which can be used for hours after power outage.
- Photocopying Machine – This is probably the first if not the second equipment you need, there are different sizes of photocopying machine in the market, a brand new photocopier machine will duly serve your purpose, as much as it is new, it will save you the stress of constant repairs and you will get a guarantee for the products.
- Printing Machine – This is basically the Item on the list, it is usually attached to a computer, after working you can easily get a hard copy of your work through a print out. There are two types of printing machines, (i) Black and white printer (ii) Colored printer. Most works are printed out in black and white, which is always cheaper; however, the colored printer is a bit expensive. a mini printing machine will cost N20,000, that was the amount I bought mine when I was printing my Msc Thesis work.
- Paper – Papers are important materials in a business center business, A bunch goes for N1,100, get as much as you can, also observe the best paper that gives you the best result, these papers have different qualities.
- Staplers and Pins – Again, these are the smaller equipment you really cannot over look, there different sizes of stapler used for larger bunch of work, you can get all the sizes with an accompanying pins to that effect.
- Digital camera And Colored Photo printer – Except you have photo shooting and editing as one of your services you do not need this equipment, however, most business centers in a bid to expand their horizon, do add services such as this.
Internet Subscription – This is entirely not compulsory, however, a customer may need to access the internet in order to retrieve a mail or a job online, an internet connection will come in handy. Files can only be downloaded through an internet connect.
Get Trained – These equipment as listed above does not require try your luck to operate, you need to have all the necessary skills and training for you to be able to run the business effectively, you need skills in operating the various Word processing programs, Corel Draw, PowerPoint, Graphic design, Excel Spreadsheet etc, this is why you need to attend a computer college or a computer training school.
Employ qualified and capable hands – You need one or two office assistants. This will be helpful in the event that there are a lot of customers to attend to. The truth is that most of these customers are in a in hurry, hence, more hands will mean more customers being attended to, most times female assistants are preferred, however, either male or female, which everyone you are employing, ensure they have ground knowledge of how to operate a computer.
Finally, I believe that this will be helpful in your quest of knowing How to start a business center in Nigeria.
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