Cooking Gas Business Plan In Nigeria

Cooking Gas Business plan in Nigeria – How to start cooking gas business in Nigeria – Do you know that cooking gas sales has increased recently, due to the additional number of people who now prefer to make their meals using the gas option, the main aim of this post is to answer some questions on how to trade on cooking gas business in Nigeria.

The truth is that a lot more people are now embarrassing the act of cooking their food with gas, a part from many household who make use of this method of meal making, students in most campuses where cooking materials are allowed even make use of the gas option, check on most off campus students in my school, 95% percent of them make use of gas in their cooking.

The reason for this can easily be attributed to the effectiveness cooking with gas brings. It is no more the way many people used to view it as cooking equipment for the rich folks, a little research will show you that it is even more expensive to cook with kerosene than to cook with gas, there are a lot of advantages attached to cooking with gas, I believe this has also contributed to it being the most used in most homes.

Gas business has become so lucrative these days, I even noticed that these days whenever I am coming back from work, I see most gas retailing outfits selling to their customers, these days gas retailing business are not left out for those mega filling stations anymore, these days you walk down your street and you a group of people buying gas from a retailers shop, it has become a business not restricted to anyone in particular.

There are huge profits to be made owing to the high level of demand for cooking gas today in most cities in Nigeria. Now, how do you start your own cooking gas refilling business in Nigeria, you need to begin with a plan a cooking gas business plan, this gives you steps you need to follow in order to achieve you goal of success.

Those who understand the trend especially major filling stations in town now have a portion of their filling stations specifically built for gas refilling purposes. The potency of the business is so huge that your need a plan to strategically hit your business target. Do you even know that even those who reside in the rural areas now use gas, new cooking equipment built in the form local firewood cooking equipment which uses gas is now in circulation, this simply means that those in the villages have joined the trend.

Gas Cooking Opens Up Other business options, these options includes the following;

  • Sales for new and old cylinders
  • Sales Of cookers
  • Sales of valves
  • And Other Cooking Accessories

Why You Should Consider Starting A Cooking Gas Business In Nigeria

There are so many reasons which should convince you to develop interest in the business venture, below are a few reasons to consider;

  • The market is ever growing – Over 80% of Nigeria’s population use cooking gas as their first option in cooking; this simply means there is constant demand for cooking gas every day.
  • It is now cheap – People now know it is not as expensive as they are made to believe, I cited an example of students now also using gas, this simply highlights how affordable the commodity is now in the market.
  • It gives you an additional option of selling other accessories associated with cooking gas.

How To Start Cooking Gas Business In Nigeria

Here are a few steps you need to take when setting up your cooking gas business in Nigeria;

Business Plan – I have previously highlighted the importance of a business plan to your business, either a business with a huge capital or a business with a small capital, our cooking gas business plan will do you a lot of good, regularly updated to match current market expectations, the content includes, an executive summary, business overview, market analysis, marketing plan, competitive analysis, competitors, financial plans and projections etc.

Capital – Every business needs its start up capital, your capital determines the size of your business. You can use the business plan in sourcing for loan from banks, grants and also use for business proposals.

Equipment – Your cooking gas business requires good equipment, you need goo equipment because you are dealing with delicate substance, if you notice a dilapidated equipment, simply discard it.

Learn the Skills – You really need to be taught to be able to transfer gas from one cylinder to another, getting the relevant skills will go a long way, a quick or fast learner can learn these technicalities within a month.

Register Your Business – Visit any Corporate Affairs Commission in your state and register your business, you will be issued a license to operate.

Location – An estate is considered a good prospective location, simply look for one that doesn’t already have a cooking gas defilers.

Precautionary measures – Apply the best precautionary measures available in order to prevent unwanted occurrences, constantly inspect your cylinders for a possible leaks change immediately if there is any one of your cylinders leaking.

Common Mistakes Business Owners Make When Setting Up A Cooking Gas Business in Nigeria

Setting up any type of business in Nigeria can be very tasking and challenging, same is applicable to cooking gas business. I have listed out things you should avoid while setting up this business;

  1. Wrong Location: This is very important due to the risk attached to the business, not choosing the right business plan for your cooking gas business can become detrimental to your business growth. Ensure to pick a suitable location that is safe for you and the business growth.
  2. Ensuring Safety measures: Setting up an operational guidance can help your business. This includes ensuring customers safety as well as your own safety. This will keep government agencies away from your place of business. It is also important to follow safety rules, as failure can be very disastrous. This is also help prevent any possible mishaps. It should be safety first!
  3. Not Obtaining licence: Since this business is one of the risky ventures out there, hence the need to get the needed licence or permit for your operation. You may risk sanctions for not obtaining all the permits you need. Also to avoid possible legal litigation from individuals who maybe concern for safety to is important you have your permit as evidence.
  4. Proper Advertisement: Your inability to announce your business to your environs could be a determining factor to your business growth. Not telling people or spreading the news about your business is probably a way of ensuring you have zero customers. These days there are different means of spreading your ads.
  5. Team Training: LPG cooking Gas doesn’t give second chances when disaster wants to strike, this is why it is expedient to have your own training and then ensure you train your staff. This training is important to ensure effective use of the equipment. Knowing what to do and how to do it will also keep your business safe.

As much as cooking gas business in Nigeria is one of the most lucrative businesses in Nigeria, due to the fact that majority of Nigerian home now do their cooking on gas, it is important to follow all the rules and regulation guiding the industry.

Hurry Now And Get Our Cooking Gas Business Plan. Simply order yours by paying N20,000 to

GTBank (Guaranty Trust Bank)

Account Name – Okite Joseph ikenna

Account No – 0044083736

Once payment is made for the Cooking Gas Business Plan, send the following (i) a valid email address and (ii) your payment details to any of these numbers – 07039768549.

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