real estate business plan in Nigeria

Real estate business plan – Nigeria was billed as one of the fastest growing economy in the world as of 2013, this is based on the fact that foreign direct investment (FDI) in the country was on a increase, and this has brought about economic development on other sectors, sectors such as agriculture, finance, education, manufacturing etc as a result of these foreign direct investments, there was a boost in the real estate sector, since people keep trooping into the country and the need to house more people in befitting houses became a reality, multinationals are now investing in real estate across the country, especially big cities such as Lagos, Abuja, Port Harcourt, Enugu, Kaduna etc.

In Lagos where we have most of the real estate has a higher percentage of real estate agents who make tons of money from the business. Didn’t really have interest in real estate agency until a close friend of my brother who is a real estate agent sold a house in Abuja for N150 million naira, his take home commission was ten percent (10%), that is about N15 million naira, I was immediately blown away and then I decided to carry out more research on the business, only to discover that the business is one of the most lucrative business in Nigeria.

Today, 2% of university graduate now find a job in real estate agency business, if only you understand how much you will be earning from selling a N500 million worth of house if your percentage is the normal ten percent (10%) agency fee, it even gets better if the agent is also a lawyer, you could double as the house agent and also the lawyer, in most cases lawyer’s fee is five percent (5%) of the amount the house is worth or sold.

Going by the commission earned from houses sold, a real estate agent can earn millions within a week if an expensive property is sold, meanwhile, one positive information I gathered as to how this business works is that you really do not need to have a whole lot of money to start your own real estate agency.

The truth is that selling houses in places like Lagos, Abuja, Port Harcourt, Enugu as well as other major cities is one of the jobs that makes real estate agency very lucrative. Given the number of people coming into to the country to invest, they will also need to have houses bought or rented on their behalf by an agent.

This simply shows that there is a huge potential in the business. The ten percent (10%) on every purchase, rent lease etc for any property has made being an agent even more rewarding, it is just simple process of bringing a buyer and a seller together for the sole purpose of selling a property, some organize agency even charge consultancy fee or registration fee. On a nutshell below are the few things you need to get your agency in business;

A Real Estate Business plan in Nigeria – For a fee you could get a sample of a real estate business plan, this business plan is written by professionals and is regularly updated, this is why you can use the business plan for your bank loan application, application for grants, business proposals etc, for a fee of N10,000 you could own a business plan sample on real estate, the business template will contain information on your business description, marketing plan, adverts, market analysis etc.

Register And Certify Your Agency – Every legitimate business in Nigeria has gone through the registration process at the Corporate Affairs commission (CAC), since you are competing with other agencies you must ensure your business is as legitimate as theirs, get accredited by the appropriate bodies, register with relevant bodies such as the Real Estate Developers Association Of Nigeria (REDAN). With prove of certification you can operate anywhere in the country.

Get An Office – The agent that got me my current apartment has his office located along a major road and in a popular building, it was very easy to locate him, in his office he has a reception where customers can seat and wait for their turn to meet with him, after everything, he will then take you to the proposed property you want.

Business Promotion – I got to know about the agent who got me my current apartment through a friend who was satisfied with his services, now apart from the fliers you may be printing and distributing, you should also render quality services to your customers, because they might be the ticket to meeting your next customer, imagine if this my friend was not satisfied or maybe he felt cheated, he will not introduce me to this agent.

Other ways of promoting your real estate agency business is through the use of online platforms like Nairaland, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp and the creation of website with an optimized search engine optimization for easy search and location.

Hurry Now! Get the Complete Real estate business plan (Including The Financial Projections), pay N10,000 to

GTBank (Guaranty Trust Bank)

Account Name – Okite Joseph ikenna

Account No – 0044083736

Once payment is made for the Real estate business plan, send the following (i) a valid email address and (ii) your payment details to any of these numbers – 07039768549.

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